Please check my frequently asked questions page
If you want to try and solve your problem on your own, here are places I look for solutions if I don't know what to do:
A good search engine for asking questions is
Jeeves . For you example you could ask it: How do I fix
my modem?
It will give you sites with trouble shooting guides, tutorials, definitions,
or other such useful information.
This is the first place I look when I have a problem. If you have any kind of problem or question about anything in computers, or other topics, chances are others do too, so check out Dejanews to see what others have asked, or to post a question of your own. It's a very valuable site for getting answers to computer questions. Type in the error message you get, or device and a general description of the problem and you should find something. Be sure to check current and past messages as well.
If I can't find info there, then I check with Hotbot. A great search engine to search for solutions on the web.
If the question is about a term or computer device or concept look it up at
If the problem is with a Microsoft product check out Microsoft's Support Online Knowledge Base. Get help with Microsoft's products.
Most computer companies have a web site with a knowledge base or support area. Try their name as the web site,, or look them up in Yahoo.
Here is a collection of links that I find useful for computer problems or computer information.
Support4free They offer free computer help. Also, they keep past questions on hand for you to look up.