Free Software! A lot of my children's software is free.
More software I've made. This is a collection of all the programs I've made. It includes what is in the free section as well.
Virtual Zoo A large collection of animals. These are pictures that I've taken on my trips to local zoos.
I've made a spiral art drawing Java applet. Swirl-n-Twirl
A little interactive story I wrote called
Searching Mars.
Have fun making text in different colors and changing the background. Fun Colors requires JavaScript.
Larry's Sketch Draw an image right in your web browser using Javascript and print it out too!
Print out a ruler, protractor and graph paper in Measuring Tools.
Short Stories I've written some stories for children.
Larry's Count An applet to teach counting. Displays 0 to 20 cookies on the screen.
Larry's Paint A fun and free Java applet that lets you make a painting. You can draw with colored pens or use stamps. Your picture can even have a background. If you download it, you can use your own images for the stamps and backgrounds.
Goetz' Graphics Kit You can learn very simple graphics programming using this applet. You write a little script that draws, lines, rectangles, circles, polygons, pictures, text, etc. You can do animation, and more. The program is really shareware, the only limitation is you need to click the applet for it to begin. However, if you don't mind having to click it to begin, then you don't need to register. I figure companies what want to have a display on their web site don't want to have visitors click the applet to start it and would register. However for home or school use, there's no reason to register, unless you want to.
Learn the alphabet and how to count from 1 to 10. Learn to say the alphabet and to count both forwards and backwards. Click here
Learn about logic gates. AND, OR, & NOT gates.
Play a puzzle game on-line. Press buttons lighting various lights. Some lights go on, some go off. Try and get them all on.
Learn how to use the computer mouse I've made some Java applets to help teach people unformiliar with the computer mouse.
Larry's Light - Draw with various colored lights.
Larry's Sounds - Have fun playing with various sound effects. the SuperSite for Kids. A free online playground created especially
for kids, offers more than 1,900 fun and enriching activities to explore
and play.
Free stuff for kids Order free items or items for just S&H.
stuff for free. They have a
kids area too. a nice collection of kids games to play online and fun activities. Free e-mail and chat.
Club Z Tutoring offers one-on-one tutoring in your home on a wide range of subjects for grades K-12. Over 65 locations nationwide.
Kids.Com A BIG listing of children's site! Tons of places have sites oriented towards children.
KidsCom This is a different place with a similar sounding name. A collection of fun things for children to play with and do. Also an area for parents and teachers. It's very interesting!
Fido Yet another site with children's links. Very extensive!
Big list of Links for kids Here's another site full of children's links.
The Kids and Computers Pages Learning about computers, programming Logo, a Java-Powered Logo program you can try, Montessori and a bulletin board, they are all at this site!
Kool Net Kids a magazine with articles of interests, your poems or short stories, trivia, and lots of links.
Nucleus Kids' Page Things to read, things to do, education, toys & games, tv & movies, and more. All for children no matter what age.
Yahooligans, Yahoo's listing of children's
sites. Lots of sites that have lots of links for children.
Kids' Domain Lots of shareware & Commercial demos of programs for children. Lists IBM & Mac.
PBS ONLINE Look up info on your favorite PBS TV shows. Included are lots of children, science and other great PBS shows. If you like PBS check this site out.
Yahoo's links for children A big of sites for children, from Yahoo.
DANNI'S List of Great Kids' & Parenting Sites
Steve & Ruths Bennett's Family Surfboard This Web page helps parents have fun with their children and the computer.
KidsNet It's an activity center for young children populated by a group of mythical creatures called Rastakans who speak only to children. There is a BookNook, Art Studio, KidsKitchen, Software Loft and Travel/Adventuree and Games and Puzzles. They encourage kids to send in their own art and stories and publish them on the web as well.
ReadToMe A program by the Hawaii Education Literacy Project (HELP). ReadToMe reads aloud any form of electronic text with Windows 3.1 or later and a sound card. Text is retrieved from the Clipboard, hard disk, or Internet; words are highlighted as they are read aloud. The link will take you to an area where you can download a BETA version of it. I've tried the beta and it's very good. HELP is a non-profit organization and ReadToMe is free to anyone who wishes to use it.
Billy Bear's Playground A children's drawing and animation program. You can make your own stories
ZIA Kids A nice collection of things for children.
Kristy's Desktop Creations Lots of children's icons, wallpaper, etc. for Windows.
Small Planet's Links for Kids Lots of great links for children: software, games, reference, education, etc.
BUBBA'S CORNER A family site with a nice collection of site for children and teenagers.
Media Spark Download some demos of children's programs for Windows & Mac.
Curiocity's FREEZONE!An online community for creative and curious kids ages 10 to 16. Explore our Chat Box, E-pals, Bulletin Boards, Kulture Club, Brain, Action, and Too Much Fun sections.
Kai Chandler's KidzSoft WebZone
Parents Resource Center A one-stop site for Parenting Info, Safe Kids Sites, Music, Recipes, Shareware, Graphics, and Web Tools.
Color Me Fun is an innovative new computerized coloring/activity book program featuring an enhanced child-friendly interface, animated buttons, talking tooltips, talking numbers and colors, and a slide show which displays colored pictures. Each page is narrated and accompanied by music and sound effects. Pictures can be colored and printed out or printed out and then colored by hand. All pictures, including finished works, are displayed in a story-telling slide show.
Helen's Family and Freebie Page Various freebies to get for you and your children.
Babies Online the leading birth announcement service on the internet.
Wonder-Soft Quality affordable programs for the entire family.